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2023-2024 - Repainting F40 231 back to Amtrak colors

How #231 looked at beginning of new year

Cab floor and walls cleaned up

Needlescaling has commenced

Weld lines visible showing construction of F40 locomotive

More needlescaling

Cleaned up handholds and installed new fasteners

Cleaned up handholds and installed new fasteners

Needle; wirewheel; bondo; sand; primer; bondo; sand; primer; bondo, etc.

Working our way around the front end

Steps removed and cleaned up

Steps reinstalled with new fasteners

Cleaning up access hatches

Prep work continues

Snowy February halts prep work

Sideways snow

6976 hanging out in the snow at Boulder City

231's engineer seat

Cleaning up area around red strobe housing

text Work progresses around to the left side

Larry needlescaling the front end

All of the orange is finally gone!

Signage for NSRM open house in March

Signage for NSRM open house in March

Signage for NSRM open house in March

Signage for NSRM open house in March

Signage for NSRM open house in March

6976 and Eureka steam locomotive operating side-by-side at open house

Steve S. operating 6976 during open house

Lapel pin of 231 for volunteers

Bondo bondo bondo

Primer, then more bondo

Bondo work continues

Areas marked for additional bondo work

Bondo work continues

Sunlight at low angle helps identify additional work areas

Little by little, the nose becomes smoother

Vandalized windshield removed

Windshield area undergoing cleanup work

New windshields have arrived!

Steve and Harris prepare windshield frame

Harris and Steve, along with Andrew and Larry, installing windshield

Harris and Andrew installing windshield

MU hose access door straightened out over 20 years, and won't close

Door removed and placed under hydraulic press

MU access door welded back onto plow and fits nicely

Angela prepping ditchlight housing for paint

Angela applying bondo to carbody

Angela prepping ditchlight housing for paint

Plow being cleaned up and prepped for paint

Grab irons removed, cleaned up and fastened with new hardware

Handhold on fireman side cleaned up and fastened

Alec applying bondo to weld seams behind the cab

Isabella applying bondo to the carbody

A ton of progress since the beginning of the year!

New windshields in place

Windshield's are so clean, they look like they're not there!

Wide panorama shot of the cab

Cab controls undergoing some TLC

One final sanding of the carbody before primer

Glass masked; locomotive ready for primer

Getting ready for primer

Primer on

Christopher spraying aluminum silver to carbody

Christopher spraying aluminum silver to carbody

Christopher spraying aluminum silver to carbody

Aluminum complete!

Fresh double-coat of aluminum silver

Texture is beautiful

Nice smooth silver!

Smooth silver

Silver has cured, ready for black

Christopher, Harris and Johnny helping with masking for black paint

Masking for black paint

Masking for black paint

Masking for black paint

Black paint

Black paint

Black paint

Finish look of black paint on roofline

Slowly yet surely starting to look like Amtrak

6976 hanging out near monsoonal storms

Mike replumbing the pneumatic bell

Mike removing defective 250A aux. generator breaker

New plumbing under the cab floor

Behind the electrical cabinet

New lugs for battery leads

New 250A circuit breaker for aux. generator

Matt refilling distilled water

Matt cleaning up headlights

Matt reinstalling headlights

Trucks with brand new coat of black paint

Finish look on fuel tank

Truck and automatic-train-stop bracket with new shiny paint

Plow back-side painted first

Plow with three coats of black paint

Main reservoir tanks in fresh coat of black paint

At beginning of Year 2024

Prepping undercarriage for black paint

Prepping plow and undercarriage

Prepping fuel tank

Fresh paint on lead and rear trucks

Interior of plow area

Fresh paint on fuel tank!

Plow gets painted

Ready for stripes

Greg and Lew lining up and chalking across the front

Close-up showing how lumpy the front is!

Masking and prepping

Al and Claudio chalk lining the sides

Front and sides lined up for Phase III paint

Prepping for Phase III paint

Ready to spray

Amtrak Red goes on first

Amtrak blue follows behind

Masking removed

In the shop

In the shop to dry

On the display track by platform

Positioning the new decals

Rear carbody number decal

Number decals in place

Positioning the Amtrak logo on side

Lined up and placing one letter at a time

Letter placed

Lining up and placing letters

Prepping for white stripe

White stripe applied and drying

Black stripe across bottom applied

Battery box painted

Masking off for white stripe

First white stripe down, rest to follow

Look Listen Live decals applied

New Look Listen Live decals

New Look Listen Live decals

New Amtrak decal and battery box paint

Masking for white stripe

White stripe painted instead of decal to prevent corrosion

White stripe in progrss

White stripe drying

Applying numeral decals

Numerals applied

Numerals applied

Continuing remainder of white stripe

Continuing remainder of white stripe

Continuing remainder of white stripe

White stripe complete!

Magnetic Amtrak decal for that early 1990s appearance

Magnetic decal on front

How 231 appeared in the early 1990s.

Applying Operation Lifesaver decals

Applying Operation Lifesaver decals

Amtrak 231 Operation Lifesaver locomotive!

Amtrak 231

Amtrak 231

Amtrak 231

Amtrak 231


Dynamic Rail Preservation Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.